Latest Zoho Apps

Blog categorized as Latest Zoho Apps

The Sky is the Limit for Zoho Forms

We have been checking out the latest app in Zoho's suite of online business solutions, Zoho Forms, and we must say that it is great!

You can check out what Zoho Forms is all about in the product page, here.  

In summary though, Zoho Forms allows you to quickly and easily build online web forms fo...

07.07.15 05:30 PM - Comment(s)

Zoho have released their latest online business app: Zoho Forms.

Zoho Forms is a solution that allows you to create web forms quickly and easily to collect actionable data on mobile devices. 

This has tremendous potential for mobile sales/mobile field workers - see the video below for more inspir...

01.07.15 06:33 AM - Comment(s)

Zoho have just released a Google Chrome extension for tracking the time spent on projects in the timesheet module of Zoho Books, hopefully making the process of tracking time much simpler.

Picture it: you start the timer to begin working on a task, but then you go to lunch and then do something else ...

01.07.15 06:20 AM - Comment(s)

Subscribers to Zoho Support, the help desk software that assists your after sales support operation to be more organized and resourceful, now have the ability to integrate their customers’ portal to Google Analytics. 

And what that means is that Zoho Support subscribers will better understand how the...

30.04.15 11:33 AM - Comment(s)
The Zoho Expense application and tracking customer related expenses

Zoho have recently announced the online Zoho Expense tracker application that has been designed to save sales execs time when tracking their client related expenses.

Zoho Expense allows sales reps. to automate a number of financial management processes that takes away from the time that they should ...

17.04.15 12:42 PM - Comment(s)

We have been trying out the new Zoho Reports online business intelligence software functions recently and they really are awesome!

We don't want to bore you with loads and loads of commentary though, so why not check out the summary right here on Zoho's video on Zoho Reports 3.0... 

12.02.15 10:48 AM - Comment(s)
Zoho Books UK edition accounting application for SMBs is now available.

Zoho Books is an outstanding online accounting application for small business owners and freelancers.

And the really astute people at Zoho Corp. have recently released Zoho Books, UK edition.

The Zoho Books UK edition has been developed to:

  • Collect and record VAT on transactions.
  • Send ‘HMRC’ compliant V...
11.02.15 10:54 AM - Comment(s)

At Mangoho we are always excited about all things customer relationship management and when Zoho extend further Zoho CRM’s capabilities we get exceptionally excited.

Indeed many of the new enhancements are both innovative and creative and extend out the CRM’s footprint to capture more information ab...

30.10.14 05:57 AM - Comment(s)

It's official, Zoho Reports, the online business intelligence app from Zoho is now available on the iPad.

This means you can view all of your advanced business analytics in real time, right from your mobile device.

Zoho Reports has many advantages:

  • It's cloud based, so your data is available any time a...
01.10.14 02:56 PM - Comment(s)

Zoho Books and Zoho Invoice, the online business accounting solutions from Zoho, now have a new feature to reduce the tedious process of charging recurring invoices to customers on a regular basis.

Zoho Books and Zoho Invoice have long had a recurring invoice function that sends a manually checked o...

03.09.14 10:20 AM - Comment(s)
Improved Calendar Functionality in Zoho CRM

Zoho have released an update to their CRM calendar function recently; when you invite someone to an event, they can accept or decline the event and then the event will appear in their calendar too.

This was a major flaw in the previous calendar function, which used to only show in the organiser’s ca...

08.07.14 04:52 PM - Comment(s)
Make Agents Mobile with the New Zoho Support App

Zoho Support, the online help desk customer support software from Zoho, is now available on mobile devices for all Android and iPhone users.

This allows your support agents to answer tickets directly from their mobile device, giving agents a high degree of flexibility in terms of being able to manage...

23.06.14 04:02 PM - Comment(s)
Kanban Card View Helps Issue Management

Zoho Projects has long had a 'bug' or issue tracking module that helps teams track issues from start to finish, as well as scheduling fixes and even timing work done on them.

Now though, Zoho have released the popular 'Kanban' view for this module as well, which allows users to view a semi graphical...

03.06.14 05:55 PM - Comment(s)
New Tag Feature in Zoho Support

OK, so this might not be a huge feature release but we do promise to keep you updated on all  Zoho updates however big or small!  

Zoho Support, the online HelpDesk solution for small businesses, now has a 'tag' function for support tickets, that allow agents to easily identify or categoris...

03.06.14 04:45 PM - Comment(s)
Zoho Mail Increases Free Mailboxes

We're pleased to announce that Zoho Mail, the online business email software from Zoho, have just announced their free package will include not 5 free email accounts, but a massive 10 free email accounts!

This is a real boost for many small business who basically will not need to pay for email hostin...

15.05.14 01:44 PM - Comment(s)

Zoho Projects, the online project management software from Zoho, has long had a basic Gantt chart generating function that graphically represents your project tasks along a 'project timeline', but the Zoho Projects guys have just released some really cool new functionality that takes this to a new l...

13.05.14 10:01 AM - Comment(s)

Zoho CRM has for a while now had a Document Management module as standard that provided the means to upload and store / share documents between sales, marketing and support users.

These documents could be such things as sales contracts, marketing brochures, invoices and so on.

Now though, Zoho have go...

06.05.14 10:28 AM - Comment(s)
Check In to the Office Online Via Your Mobile Device

Many businesses require staff to 'check in' when they come to the office, many still use pen and paper to do this and then may use this to go through to check staff attendance, time sheets and so on.

Not any more!

Zoho People, the online HRIS software from Zoho has had an Attendance module for a long ...

23.04.14 02:50 PM - Comment(s)
Get Paid On Time with the Zoho Books Client Portal

With Zoho Books & Zoho Invoice you can now provide your customers with their own client portal so that they can review their payments, latest transactions and also provide them with the ability to make online payments.

All superb features that will help you to get paid quickly!

07.04.14 08:52 AM - Comment(s)