Zoho Projects for iPad and Android

18.03.17 07:49 AM By Andrew Wallace

Zoho Projects, the online project management solution for businesses, has recently had a complete user interface overhaul.

With new functions, new look and an overall welcome improvement, you can read more about the new look to Zoho Projects in our other blog post, here.

The Zoho Projects team have been very busy though.... and have just released a new and improved app for iPad and Android devices!

Zoho Projects mobile app for iPad and Android

Not only does the new app come with a revamped user interface, it allows you to perform many of the tasks that you can do when in your office using a laptop.

One of the most popular features of Zoho Projects is the ability to view tasks in the so-called 'Kanban View'. This is now available on the mobile app and it allows you to rearrange tasks by dragging and dropping them to different columns.

A new Home Page allows you to focus on where you want to get to quickly and easily.Tasks are organised into a more intuitive category focused view.

You can now attach files to comments that you add to tasks, and not just one but multiple files, for example attaching a document to a design related task or images to an inspection related task.

Tasks and sub tasks can be created on the mobile app and you can also log time against them, which is very handy for time tracking when it is so easy to forget to log time and do so accurately if you leave it for too long or until you get back to the office, now you can do it on your mobile device and reduce the risk of loss of data. In addition you can also attach documents to Tasks.

You can now view Tasks in a minimalist compact view or detailed view.

Record timesheet data right from your mobile app, allowing you to keep track of your daily/weekly/monthly timesheet data. You can enter the hours spent on tasks or even use the inbuilt timer. This is perfect for people who work on projects out in the field, for example on construction or field inspection type activities.

It is now easier than ever to view Documents while on the go using your new Zoho Projects mobile app. Documents are displayed by folder, sorted and accessed directly from your mobile device.

And more... Various colour themes, portrait and landscape modes, and split screen for tablets​...

Zoho Projects Mobile App

Check out this video from Zoho that shows a case study of how a construction company use Zoho Projects mobile.

Contact Us

For more information on Zoho Projects project management software and how t can benefit your business, please contact us here.

Andrew Wallace