Zoho CRM Analytics - Better Sales Performance Information and Sales Visibility

27.09.13 05:57 AM By Andrew Wallace

Improved Reporting Means Better Sales Performance Information and Sales Visibility

One of the primary advantages of cloud CRM software is that it allows you to build and access data anytime, anywhere. There is one centralised version of your sales data and performance information that is available to all relevant sales people and stakeholders.

Zoho CRM is an award winning online CRM solution for small businesses and it too is hosted in the cloud, which means you and your sales team can access it at any time via the internet and a browser.  The main advantage Zoho CRM has over other CRM solutions however is that it is extremely competitively priced with flexible monthly licensing and license fees that are focused on small businesses, starting at less that 8 GBP per user per month.

The days of having multiple versions of data and multiple versions of reports on Excel files flying around the office as attachments are a thing of the past. Centralise your sales data and improve sales performance reporting with a CRM. With Zoho CRM, sales reports are securely accessed by only authorized personnel.

Sales reports can be accessed online from the office or through your mobile device.  The advanced analytics functionality provides reports, analytics and dashboards with superb drill down features.

The Zoho CRM advanced analytics function delivers improved visibility on time based, people based and revenue based information  for leads, contacts, sales, quotes, invoices and more:

Time Based Sales Reporting from Zoho CRM:

* Sales cycle duration across lead sources by potential (opportunity) type.
* Overall sales duration across lead sources by potential type (opportunity) type.
* Lead conversion across Industries by lead owner.

Time based sales analytics reporting in Zoho CRM
Zoho CRM allows you to analyse time based reports

People Based Sales Reporting from Zoho CRM

* Sales execs’ performance reports.
* Sales cycle duration by owner.
* Lead conversion count by owner.

Zoho CRM integrates with Zoho Reports to give advances sales analytics functions
Analyse staff performance with Zoho CRM advanced analytics

Revenue Based Sales Reporting from Zoho CRM

* Sales by lead source.
* Pipeline by probability & stage.
* This month’s sales.

Revenue reporting functions with Zoho CRM advanced analytics
Zoho CRM revenue reporting provides insight into your sales pipeline

All of the above reports are easy to access and provide excellent distribution capability as well as the following benefits to your business:

* Quicker access and better visibility to lead and sales information.
* More accurate sales forecasts.
* Improved management of leads and clients.
* Improved lead conversion metrics.
* Expanded access to key sales information when on the go.
* Enhanced visibility of summary and detailed information.

Contact Us

Mangoho are Zoho Partners in the UK and provide Zoho and CRM consulting services at affordable rates.  

If you would like to learn more about how Zoho CRM reporting can be used in your business drop us an email to info at mangoho dot com or complete the form here.

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Andrew Wallace