Top Tips for a Better Website Form

16.01.14 09:55 PM By Andrew Wallace

Many businesses use a website form such as a Contact Us or a Get a Quote form to engage and capture leads via the web; it is an affordable and effective means of getting new customers. Web forms can be used for special offers, newsletter signups, quotation requests and general contact requests.

Here are a few tips to make it more effective to get leads to complete your web form though, which are not very difficult to implement and well worth th time to do so.

1) Don't have too many fields and keep the form simple.

2) Provide assistance - onscreen instructions, tool tips etc. Assure people you will not share their details with spammers and provide a link to your privacy policy.

3) Add hidden fields to the web form which are not seen by the person completing the form but which can be used to help your sales and marketing processes either by directing the lead to the right person, for example if they are from a specific marketing campaign or by gathering KPI information on numbers of leads for a specific campaign.

4) Spammers are a real pain these days. use a 'captcha' function that is a simple number or letter based image that real humans need to key in to proceed.  The annoying 'bots' that spam people cannot read these captcha images.

5) Include links to other pages in your contact form - company blog, latest videos and so on.  Put these in your Thank You page too.

6) Introduce a polite, automated email that will send the details entered by the person back to them for reference. Include a promise in this email to contact them within a certain time frame and make sure you do so. Put your own contact details in the auto responder email.

7) Use a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system.  Utilise a CRM web to lead function so your leads are automatically inserted into your CRM and then automatically assign them based on field values - eg. territorial assignment, product assignment and so on.

8) Assign someone to maintain your CRM, which can be used to automatically capture your website leads. We're constantly dumbfounded how some people have the time to manually fill in web forms with junk to send manual spam, they have too much time on their hands!  But this thing happens so it is advisable to assign maintenance of your CRM to someone so that they can clean out any junk leads that make it past the captcha function.

Contact Us

For more details of how to use our award winning online business CRM solution Zoho CRM in conjunction with web forms and the above tips, please contact us here, or via phone on +44 (0)292 125 0065 or email on info at

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Andrew Wallace