e-Sign Documents with Zoho Sign

26.10.17 12:58 PM By Andrew Wallace

Zoho have released their latest app for small businesses helping them work more effectively online.

Zoho Sign is an online document signing / e-sign app that can be integrated to other Zoho services, such as Zoho CRM or Zoho People, the online HR management solution.

Zoho Sign electronic document signing software
Send a document for signing directly from a CRM Contact record

Zoho Sign software allows you to add your signature, either by using the inbuilt signature generation feature or by drawing it yourself or by uploading it from a file.

You can then upload documents that need to be signed and then assign names of people who need to sign it and in what order.

e-Sign Documents with Zoho Sign with integration to Zoho CRM
Select the document to be signed and state who needs to sign it...

These people will be alerted by email and have to sign the document in the order specified.

When signing the document they will have the chance to select an option to use an inbuilt handwritten 'signature' of their full name or draw their own signature or upload a jpg image of their signature.

You can even set time limits on the signing process, so that when the time expires the document becomes invalid, which is great for the likes of quotations/invoices or contracts.

A Vision of the Future

We feel this app and the integration to Zoho CRM and other Zoho apps is a sign of the things to come. Zoho are so good at this, at seeing what businesses need and then coding new apps on their own, with a clean and consistent user interface that a huge and increasing number of people are becoming used to, then integrating it to their ever growing suite of Zoho online business  software. We're sure Zoho Sign will be a big win with Zoho users everywhere that have any kind of document sign off in their business processes.

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Andrew Wallace