Zoho Release Android App for Zoho Campaigns

05.08.15 06:35 AM By Andrew Wallace

Zoho have just released Zoho Campaigns for Android mobile devices.

Zoho Campaigns for mobile allows you to use your single sign on ID to access your email campaigns in terms of basic stats - reads, clicks, bounces etc - plus view the campaign email and other functions enabling you to keep on top of your campaigns while on the go.

In addition you can analyse email lists to get summaries of list members, unsubscribes, bounced subscribers, and the campaigns that have been sent and that are scheduled for sending to those email lists.

Finally you can also analyse the subscriber media usage on a per list basis, such as the devices your emails are being read on, the browsers the contacts are using, the OS, and even the email client like Outlook, Lotus Notes etc.

Now available on iOS and Android, Zoho Capaigns mobile app allows you to analyse your email marketing campaigns on the go.

Whilst you are not yet able to create email campaigns on your mobile device using the Zoho Campaigns android app, not at this stage anyway, you are definitely able to carry out a reasonably detailed analysis of a campaign and of the subscribers you are targeting. This means you can present and analyse campaign data to marketing staff at meetings, or to clients or colleagues or management, right from your mobile device.

We're sure Zoho will add features over time and will keep you updated when they do. For now Zoho Campaigns for Android mobile devices is a good start!

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Andrew Wallace