Motivate your Sales Teams with Zoho Motivator

29.09.15 11:59 AM By Andrew Wallace

Zoho have recently rolled out yet another online business app that compliments Zoho CRM perfectly. And the best part: it motivates your sales teams and the same time!

Zoho Motivator is a cloud based business app that uses the data in Zoho CRM to present in user friendly dashboards and charts, solely with the aim of being used to gamily sales processes and promote healthy competition between sales people on your team.

This may be KPIs such as number of calls per week, number of new leads, sales won and so on, but it can also be configured to include more customised KPIs such as number of marketing stands set up, number of meetings and so on.

Analyse sales trends and key sales metrics with Zoho Motivator

Previously something similar in terms of the charts and advanced analytics had been achieved by us using the Zoho Reports advanced analytics integration, but the problem remained how to 'gamify' this and link it to performance related bonuses. 

Zoho Motivator does this for you and even has a 'Motivator TV' module that allows you to publish the goals that you set up, along with the real time results, onto a TV screen in your office for all staff to see.

And of course, Zoho Motivator is mobile, allowing you to monitor metrics and staff to check up on motivational contest results anywhere, any time.

Zoho Motivator is available on mobile devices

The app has only just been released so we will get more details for you and publish full functions in detail on the Zoho Motivator page in our website along with pricing.

Perfectly Suited to Zoho CRM Users

This app is perfectly suited to current users of Zoho CRM who are looking for a different way to motivate their sales team but who want to build on their CRM data and generate value added results in other areas of the business.

Zoho have told us they are building in integration capabilities with other sales/CRM systems so when this comes out we will announce via our blog.

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Andrew Wallace