DDOS Attack on Zoho Services

10.11.15 04:12 PM By Patty

Zoho offer their sincerest apologies for the recent disruptions to their services.

The intermittent connections issues you may have faced are due to a "DDOS attack" by cyber hackers who at this stage remain unknown but is well described what this is exactly, in Zoho's own words:

Zoho do offer a few options to their users in events such as this:

Read Only Services

This is available on a few core services such as:

Projects: projects-ro.zoho.com/ 
Mail: mail-ro.zoho.com

If you are not sure of whether your specific app has a read only version, try your app in the same way as above. These are basically maintained on different servers and a whole separate network and are in effect a clone of your data for read only use in emergencies.

Status Monitoring

To check the status of Zoho services you can use this site: status.zoho.com, which uses another Zoho service running on separate servers, to monitor all of the Zoho websites. It will give you a currenct snapshot of the status as well as a seven day breakdown.


Mangoho will of course publish tweets on such cases and we can be followed at @mangohocloud.

The Zoho team can be followed directly using this Twitter hashtag: @zoho

They are very fast to respond to these sorts of issues and this is a good way to keep up to date on fixes should there be any problems, especially if you are a regular Twitter user.


No service is perfect. The news often contains reports on cloud services being hacked or data being leaked.  The 'Talk Talk' network in the UK was hacked this month, for example. When it happens, a quick and sincere apology from the service provider goes a long way.  With this in mind Zoho go on to say...

Not Only Zoho...

This is not something that affects only Zoho. In fact this goes on with hundreds of cloud service providers. Every day cyber criminals or hackers try to break or disrupt their systems.  There are websites that monitor this, one such website is:


Check it out... what you see going on around the world may surprise you! 
