Bringing Cloud Computing to SMBs in Wales!

25.01.14 08:28 AM By Andrew Wallace

We're please to announce we have just had our first magazine article published in a regional magazine here in (not) so sunny Wales!

Abergavenny Focus published our "Cloud Computing for Small Medium Businesses" article in their latest edition. Our initial aim was to basically explain what cloud computing is, avoiding the techno jargon that many people in the segment we're targeting simply don't understand or don't have time for.

The article details how cloud computing can offer more flexibility to small business compared with traditional, on premise hardware and software that is installed on PCs/laptops and how it can greatly reduce IT budget requirements, whether you are a home business, sole trader simply creating invoices in MS Word and sending them on email, or a larger business with a few sales people and other team members.

In addition it can help you do your bit for the environment in that cloud computing is green computing and can help you lower your businesses carbon footprint by utilising data centres as opposed to in house servers and the power required to run them.

The magazine article can be seen below!

The online version of the article can be seen here.

Cloud Solutions for Small Businesses is an article written by Mangoho for the Abergavenny Focus
Mangoho's article on 'Cloud Solutions for Small Businesses' in this month's Abergavenny Focus magazine

Contact Us

For more information on cloud computing for small businesses or if you would like free consultation and what would be required to operate your business in the cloud, please contact us on 0292 125 0065 or drop us an email on info at mangoho dot com.  Alternatively please submit your requirements here and we will get back to you within one business day.

Andrew Wallace