Add Tasks to your CRM and Project Management Tool at the Same Time

16.05.15 06:59 AM By Andrew Wallace

OK, so this is not a new function but is one of those features that is easy to miss so we thought we would run a quick blog about it! 

From time to time it is necessary to add tasks to your CRM that will appear as tasks in your project management software too. 

For example if you are a Project Manager with CRM access; or if a user in the CRM, perhaps a Sales Manager, is also involved in certain account management activities during a project lifecycle - you may need to track these tasks in both the CRM and the Project Management app.

It's pretty easy to do this in fact in Zoho CRM - when you add a task, simply click the Save and Add to Zoho Projects button!

Zoho CRM in integrated with Zoho Projects online project management software
Add tasks to your project direct from Zoho CRM

The task will then be added to both Zoho apps under the user assigned and can be tracked in both depending on who needs to manage the task.

Easy huh?  We told you! 

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Andrew Wallace