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Green Computing

Cloud Computing is Green Computing

What is 'Green Computing'?

With reference to a Wikipedia article San Murugesan, in “Harnessing Green IT: Principles and Practices,” IEEE IT Professional, January–February 2008, pp 24-33., notes that 'Green Computing' can include "designing, manufacturing, using, and disposing of computers, servers, and associated subsystems—such as monitors, printers, storage devices, and networking and communications systems — efficiently and effectively with minimal or no impact on the environment."

One of the reasons Mangoho advocate the use of Zoho's online, cloud based applications is because it reduces operating costs and delivers computing resources on "as needed basis", or put another way, potentially millions of people share the same IT infrastructure and use it and pay for it as they need to.

People often do not associate computing with being 'green', but this cloud or 'on demand' method of computing allows us to share a cloud service provider's facilities and resources.

Whether the provider is Google, Amazon, Zoho or BigCommerce, as cloud platform users we are able to share their applications, servers, storage and manpower and this sharing of IT resources means reduced costs, reduced power consumption, and an overall reduction in carbon emissions.

And, similarly, by using cloud IT infrastructure to work online, for example to deliver implementation, training and support services online, you are also reducing the need for travel, which again means reduced costs, reduced power consumption, and reduced carbon emissions.

Of course, there are detractors to the cloud and how it relates to green IT; one argument is that the cloud requires more data centres and servers so consumes more power. it is arguable however that the huge budgets available and thus the state of the art technology and infrastructure in place at cloud data centres offsets this in comparison to the minimal - if any - energy saving technology in place in most small to medium companies, and therefore massive cost and green savings are indeed potentially possibly using the 'cloud'.

Many companies of course have various initiatives to lower their energy consumption costs purely from a cost savings perspective, others do so because of social, environmental or legal obligations, and with various tax incentives and interest free loans available for companies lowering carbon emissions this topic becomes even more important for all businesses to consider whatever your view of the 'cloud'.

Contact Us

Mangoho are UK Zoho Partners based in Wales and offer affordable cloud computing consulting services as well as a suite of cloud based IT solutions for businesses in UK.

Contact us to discuss how Zoho software can benefit your business.